Our Team
Micah Dodson
Micah Dodson is an amateur luthier, a distance runner, a father of three adult children, a husband of one, and a church planting strategist.
Micah and Kristen Dodson have served in church planting for over 20 years in the Northwest. Having served in Suburban, Urban, and largely post-Christian contexts, the Dodsons have experience in starting, leading, and multiplying a variety of church models. Additionally, as a couple they have over a decade of experience running Church Planting Assessment Centers. Micah’s strengths are in coaching, training, and assessing church planting leaders. Kristen brings a compassion for the church planting couple and family while leveraging her background in mental health to provide expertise in times of crisis.
Adam Harvey
Board Member
Adam Harvey is an avid runner, a lover of hot peppers, a father of three amazing girls, the husband of Dana, and an experienced pastor and church planter.
In 2012 after serving on staff in a church plant in New Mexico, Adam and Dana sensed the church planting call to pack their bags and move from the the Southwest all the way Hillsboro, Oregon. Since moving to the greater Portland area Adam has lead a church plant, helped assess and train church planters, pastored a multi site campus, and is currently an associate pastor at Mosaic Church in Portland.